Who we are

Rey Resources Limited (“Rey” or “Company”) is an ASX-listed company (ASX: REY) focused on exploring and developing energy resources in Western Australia’s Canning Basin.

Rey holds 100% interest in EP487 (the “Derby Block”) and 40% interest in two prospective Canning Basin petroleum exploration permits – EP457 and EP458 (the “Fitzroy Blocks”). Rey also holds 100% interest in EP104, Retention Licence R1 and Production Licence L15 (together the “Lennard Shelf Blocks”).

Rey has participated in and completed a series of exploration works on these permits, including two deep conventional oil wells in Canning Basin, more than 160km of new seismic line acquisition, 2300+km vintage seismic line reprocessing and multiple regional geology and geophysics studies. Rey is aiming to have an extensive exploration activity for future Canning Basin development. Rey also holds two well-explored coal tenements in the Canning Basin which consist of the Duchess Paradise Coal Project.

Rey also holds 7.5 million fully paid ordinary shares in PZE Limited, representing approximately 5.8% of its issued capital as of 30 June 2023, which holds the Surat Gas Project located at Surat Basin, Queensland. Rey has an experienced Board and management team and is committed to continuing to develop its energy assets to deliver maximum value to its shareholders.

Board of Directors

Min Yang

Non-Executive Chairman


Wei Jin

Managing Director


Yan Zhao

Executive Director


Geoff Baker

Non-Executive Director


Stanley Fu

Non-Executive Director


Senior Management

William Kuan

Company Secretary
